
Investment Management


Our investment philosophy is quite simple.

  • Capital markets create wealth.
  • Take risks that compensate you.
  • Spread your risk across many asset classes.
  • Control expenses.
  • Be disciplined.

We believe this is investing and how investors are best served. Otherwise, an individual is speculating and guessing about specific stocks, countries, or industries in a futile attempt to outperform the capital markets on a constant basis. Many studies and surveys have found that a relatively small number of active managers beat their designated index. Even fewer do so on a consistent, repeating basis.

We are predominately passive advisors; that being said, our allocations are not stagnant. Our portfolios will shift between US equities, international equities, alternatives, cash, and fixed income based on the manager's opinions of the changing risk environment. At all times, all asset classes will be represented in the portfolios managed. Shifting is not a common occurrence, it may happen twice in a year then may not happen for three more years. Our intent is not to time the market's movement, it is simply to adjust to varying risks in the world.

Extensive diversification, targeting calculated risks, and sticking to a viable plan has shown to be a reliable means to future wealth.


Rebalancing is the process of bringing your portfolio's structure back to its intended placement. This practice makes sales of securities that have appreciated the most, or depreciated the least, since the last rebalancing and purchases securities that have depreciated, or appreciated less.

At CL Price Financial we rebalance client portfolios approximately once a year. This will bring your risks and allocations back in line with expectations and controls the affect of transactions costs. Excessive transactions costs can become a drag on investment returns.

Structure and Risk

The portfolio's structure is the single greatest driver of returns. Here it is important to remove avoidable risks that endanger your chances of success. Some of these risks include holding too few securities, betting on countries or industries, and following trends. Diversification and discipline eliminate the previously mentioned risks.

A client investment portfolio is typically spread across several asset classes to capture risks and returns from each. Asset classes include domestic and international equity and fixed income and span from large capitalization companies to small caps. Each portfolio may vary slightly and may not include every asset class.

Any investment contains a certain risk in the form of volatility of returns. Higher volatility means a lower predictability of a portfolios performance and therefore can lead to an investors uneasiness with their holdings. Volatility is a good thing in that risk and reward are connected, so to get a return you expect to be greater than the market you will have to take a risk in the form of greater volatility than the market. Doing so in a measured fashion can help potentially increase returns and and reduce the overall portfolio's volatility.

In designing the portfolio we concentrate on taking the risks that are worth taking. Historical asset class returns, volatility, and relationship to other asset classes are all taken into consideration. In the end, we wind up with a portfolio that has weightings tilted to smaller capitalization and value. We accept and embrace the risks and the volatility associated with smaller and value classes. This is a risk worth taking; keeping in mind the tenets of extensive diversification.

Financial Advice

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Let's Get Acquainted

We offer a complimentary "Get Acquainted" meeting to describe our services, and to see if our services are right for you.


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    (914) 456-2812
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Broker Check

Clearing, custody, and other brokerage services provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC, member of NYSE, SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through The Investment Advisor Group, a Registered Investment Advisor. CL Price Financial and Fidelity Investments are not insured and may lose value. IAG and CL Price Financial are affiliated. IAG can be reached at 607-930-4338 x1 or by mail at PO Box 568; Hancock, NY 13783.
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